Alapca Times Monthly Poll

Pant Jr. is Here!

Pant from the Alpaca Adventure now has a son named Pant Jr. He is just like his father and is a Alpaca-dragon. His mother is an unknown dragon and may be a new species! We only know of 2 species of Alpaca-dragons: the plant and the fire.

We still do not know that much about Pant Jr.'s mother because she left a few days back to her home in Antarctica

We think that she may be a cold dragon because she went to Antarctica. But that is all Pant can tell us.

We have a few ideas about what a cold dragon would look like. Here are some pictures by some Alpaca-dragon experts

This was the report from the Alapca Times. New reports will come when new information is found

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"Donating hats for a better life"

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