Alapca Times Monthly Poll


September 2017

Overnight there have been spottings of a very fast Alpaca-dragon. That  Alpaca-dragon is Cod, Pant Jr.'s mother. Cod had flew to Pant-City from where she was in the Cold District. She had to get a closer look at the Cloud Of Darkness. She thought she knew what is was, a Latin Eater!
Today, on the 16th Cod has told us that she was in the Cold District because Eebtihw wanted to capture her so she couldn't ruin his plan. Cod does know what this plan is yet, but she thinks it has to do with the Latin Eater.
Cod also told us that the Latin Eater is a huge cloud of darkness that goes through a place and "eats" their language. They are left there without a language and are greatly weakened. And after it couldn't get any worse, Pant's sightings had shown that the Latin Eater is growing and when it hits it would hit the whole Alapca-land (except for the Land Of Darkness). Cod has named this Latin Eater Thunderwing for future reference. But if we cannot destroy Thunderwing, the Alpaca Language will be destroyed!
Alpaca Language is like English, but makes words a bit longer since each letter is more than 2 letters long. This language has taken years to make and we cannot loose it. If we do, everyone would not be able to communicate through words. It would restart the whole civilization! If you don't already know, here is Alpaca Language and a piece of writing by me, Kleewz.

A Urg
B Uh
C Muh
D Lin
E Doe
F Con
G Sec
H You
I Tor
J Ad
K Lor
L Uhm
M Ipe
N Sume
O Dole
P Ore
Q Seet
R Ahh
S Menmt
T Cod
U End
V Sud
W Oku
X Dra
Y Qua
Z Calc

DoleSumeMuhDoe EndOreDoleSume Urg CodTorIpeDoe, CodYouDoeAhhDoe OkuUrgMenmt Urg LinAhhUrgSecDoleSume MuhUrgUhmUhmDoleLin SecOkuDoeSumeTorCodYou.  MenmtYouDoe OkuUrgMenmt Urg MenmtIpeUrgAhhCod LinAhhUrgSecDoleSume.  UrgSumeQuaDoleSumeDoe OkuYouDole OkuDoleEndUhmLin UhDoe DoeUrgMenmtTorUhmQua CodAhhTorMuhLorDoeLin.


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