Alapca Times Monthly Poll

The First Annual Drawkwa-Ball Tournament!

September 1, 2018

It is the first day of September, and us Alapcas have been blessed with an all-new sport, Drawkwa-Ball!

Drawkwa-Ball is played on an approximately two hundred seventy-one thousand eight hundred sixteen ten millionths (0.0271816) by one hundred eighty-five thousand three hundred twenty-nine ten millionths (0.0185329) acre field, with teams of three (3) per alliance. There will be four (4) alliances, Alapcas, Alapca-Dragons, Alarkas, and Dragons from the Drago Games. One match is thirty (30) minutes long, ten (10) minutes being autonomous and twenty (20) minutes being driver controlled. There are two playing elements on the field, one being a Drawkwa Ball and the other one a, well, a Drawkwa Ball. To score a point, you put a Drawkwa Ball in the goal with your head, beak, horns, body, hands, legs, arms, feet, and/or tail. The goal is to get more points than the other team. By winning you recieve a 1st place participation award, and by losing you win a 2nd place participation award. Drawkwa gets the trophies. The Drawkwa-Ball Tournament will start a week from now.

Drawkwa Ball

I am reporting from Island That Contains The Drawkwatak Stadium, or ITCTDS. ITCTDS was discovered today when Gawerf was giving Odod a ride back to the Alarka Isles when a gust blew him off course and he landed on ITCTDS instead. There, Drawkwa put an idea to Odod's mind: DRAWKWA-BALL! The stadium appeared out of nowhere and Gawerf brought Odod to Alapca-Land where everyone gathered to hear the news.

Here on the islands, the weather is conveniently set to 303.15 degrees Kelvin due to malfunctioning radio waves sent to the ionosphere by HAARP. It is also somehow snowy and it seems that there is no news from the Land of Darkness. They must still be hibernating.


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