Alapca Times Monthly Poll

Pants n' Gliders

February 2019,

After one month of his reign as friendly dictator, Pant has made significant positive changes to Alapca-land.

Pant's #Pants promise has already been fulfilled and will help alapcas to get pants for free. And due to the recent cold weather on Earth and in Alapca-land, alapcas can get Pant's Wowsers with #Pants.
But how does this work? Well, you can of course post it online, and when pant sees it, the #Pants coupon will be sent to you, so you can use it in one of Pant's pant stores. You can also order online using Pant's new website called Pant's Pants, and use the code #Pants to get one pair of pants for free.
Pant is planning to keep #Pants throughout his reign and during the next election, so make sure to get your pants fast!

Another thing Pant has been working on is the improved model of the Pant Glider. The past model had been modeled off of Pant's transformation, a gliding leaf, but could only make you fly for short distances, and relied on the wind for lift.

The new design, however has many new features. The wings are foldable, making the glider easy to transport and can be locked in the unfolded position with horizontal bars, when used for flying. There are two solar panels that are used to charge the battery inside the middle, compartment, and to power the fan, that gives the new glider the ability to fly farther and faster. The air intake on the front makes the glider more aerodynamic and makes the air pass through the front and out the back in the small parts in between the fan and the lining, using dividers. Unlike the last model, this glider you wear on your back using the straps, instead of holding onto the bar.
Pant says this glider will help the alapcas to travel from island to island without riding Gawerf to other islands.


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