Alapca Times Monthly Poll

Duck Alpaca-dragon Discovered

October 2019,

After the mysterious Alpaca-dragon crashed into the ground in Alapca-ville, Alapca scientists have finally found its home in a obscure pond in Pant-City.

After the crash, Alapca scientists decided to follow the trail of the Alpaca-dragon. Using state-of-the-art technology, they were able to find the footsteps of this Alpaca-dragon. Like most Alpaca-dragons, the footsteps were just like lines in the ground, so not much was able to be concluded from them. Using DNA sampling, they were able to conclude that this Alpaca-dragon lived in a watery environment. After these tests, the scientists decided to keep following the trail. Sadly, the footsteps stopped. An Alapca scientist concluded that:
"The Alpaca-dragon must have taken flight near here. The footsteps tended to get farther apart as it might have gotten a running start before flying away."
But, from this information, the Alpaca scientists decided to do some research on all of the bodies of water in Alpaca-land close to its crash site. They found many of them, but all did not match the type of water in the footprint sample but one small pond in the outskirts of Pant-City.
After riding on Gawerf Express to Pant-City, the scientists were able to find the pond. That was where they found the Alpaca-dragon.
The Alpaca-dragon was a bit afraid at first, but after talking to the scientists a bit, it started to trust them. The name of the Alpaca-dragon is Neckion and has lived in this pond for all of its life. Neckion said that:
"This pond is the only thing I have seen in my life. I was raised here and I still live here. But one day I was driven out of my pond by another Alpaca-dragon. After flying for a bit I got tired and crash landed on another island."

Neckion also says that after returning here, the other Alpaca-dragon had disappeared, leaving no trace. The descriptions that Neckion gave of this Alpaca-dragon did not match any descriptions of known Alpaca-dragons, and Neckion is also a newly discovered Alpaca-dragon.

After the Alapca scientists returned to the lab, they named the species of Alpaca-dragon the Duck Alpaca-dragon because of Neckion's preference of living in the pond. Duck Alpaca-dragons, although they live near the water, also breath fire and are Dragon-based Alpaca-dragons.

But one thing still remains a mystery: what was the dragon that Neckion was driven out by, and where did it go?


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