Alapca Times Monthly Poll

Astonishing April Election

April 2020,

Although Alapca-land is being hit by this new strain of Noegdip Disease, Cod has decided to step down from power, and allow for the Alapca Election to take place when it was scheduled to. She said that:
"If we were to postpone the Alapca Election, we would be showing Eebtihw that we are weak and cannot fight this Vrius, so instead, the Alapca Election will be taken entirely online, with messages being sent to each Alapca's Potoo-box!"
If you are wondering what a Potoo-box is, it is an Alapca's version of an email inbox. With that said, the Alapca Election has begun!

50 Randomly chosen Alapcas and any number of Humans will be able to take part in the April Alapca Election. The candidates are the same, and Hackter is planning to take another go at running for Friendly Dictator. The voting will go until May 1, and then the new Friendly Dictator will be announced.

Good Luck!

The link to the voting ballot can be found here: Voting Ballot
The slideshow containing information about the candidates can be found here: Information Slideshow


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